Webfont-Woche, Fontcast #5: Erik Spiekermann

Erik Spiekermann, wie er leibt und lebt: 100 Wörter/Minute, ohne Punkt und Komma … Er spricht über die Unmöglichkeit, Schrift zu besitzen. Interviewer Stephen Coles: »I pulled him aside one morning during ATypI in Mexico City to talk about the inte­res­ting paral­lels between using web fonts as a service and type­set­ting the old-​fashioned way.«

13 Kommentare

  1. kosmar

    i am not comple­tely convinced, sorry.
    this sounds a bit like propa­ganda to me.
    depen­ding on just another server on top is gene­rally no good idea.

    ther­e­fore i like cufon and typeface.js for now and @font-face soon. i hope we all have seen http://​nice​web​type​.com/​f​o​n​ts/ – there is nobody „in the middle“ whom i have to rely on and pay for.

    typekit et al would make found­ries look smarter than the music industry, but not smart enough i am afraid.

  2. erik spiekermann

    You may have also noticed that Bello and Proxima Nova, as shown on that site, are available through Typekit.
    That will not be the end of the way to get decent type onto the web, but it is a beginning.

  3. kosmar

    sure. but why pay for a service, that i can do myself? – depen­ding on the license of course.

  4. erik spiekermann

    with Typekit, you don’t have to buy any fonts at all, and the ones they offer all have web licenses.

  5. kosmar

    erik, i was talking about paying, not buying. i’m pretty sure you know about the difference.

    i am just thin­king about: would i use cufon or typeface.js with a web-licensed font (say from adobe) for free and unli­mited or would i use typekit for 49.99/year inclu­ding band­width throttle and a limit of 5 websites.

    what would you do? i’m asking seriously – as i only see few advan­tages in that game for typekit right now.

  6. Stephen Coles

    Kosmar, as Erik alludes, we reco­gnize that Typekit may not be the right solu­tion for ever­yone. It’s just the first option that was ready to go now. There will be other ways to license web fonts soon.

  7. kosmar

    i under­stand and i know typekit and alike are great tool in them­selves. just please help me to decide and educate people about it: for whom exactly would it be the right solu­tion right now?

  8. Carlo Krüger, Hamburg

    I love CSS font embed­ding, I love woff, cufon, sifr and typeface.js. I tried all … but »does it work in $#%§& Internet Explorer?« Any new tech­nique is unusable if we exclude about 40% of the users. At the moment you can only use a combi­na­tion of eot, woff and otf like Fontsquirrel does to reach all users. But there is the licen­sing problem and noone really want to use only freefonts.

    Btw: R.I.P Bitstream Webfont Maker ^^

  9. Jürgen Siebert

    Typekit is a subscrip­tion based system, with its own secu­rity codes (encryp­tion, DRM, …). It is the best tool at the moment to expe­ri­ment with web typo­graphy. You can do it for free if you choose the Trial Library.
    Woff- or EOT-Webfonts will basi­cally be licensed as font licen­sing works at the moment in the prepress area: pay a flat rate and go ahead.

    It depends what model works better for you: the variety of type­faces, love or hate subscrip­tions, size of your traffic, size of your company, …

  10. kosmar

    Thx. thats a good descrip­tion. Only thing: doesn’t the expe­ri­ence of the music industry tell us that drm is probably a failure by default? That’s my main doubt. (Sorry for false apostro­phes. This is typed on an android phone …)

  11. kosmar

    … or to put it another way and deface the picture used in the movie: do i really not own paper and ink when i get me some­thing printed at the printer? I usually take the paper with the ink printed on it with me and do with it whatever i want to do, inclu­ding selling or burning it. DRM-free. This parallel sounds very ortho­gonal to me. Discuss! :)

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