Morgen: Creative Morning Nº 5

Morgen findet der fünfte Creative Morning in Berlin statt (Eintritt frei, es gibt noch 20 Tickets). Martin Jordan und Manuel Großmann werden über ihre ersten Erfahrungen beim Non-Profit-Netzwerk The Global Sustainability Jam spre­chen, einem inter­na­tio­nalen Netzwerk von Aktivisten, viele davon Designer, die an der Entwicklung nach­hal­tiger Problemlösungen inter­es­siert sind. Die Ideen werden in Jam-Sessions entwi­ckelt, die durchaus mit denen von Musikern vergleichbar ist, wobei im aktu­ellen Fall die Instrumente Zettel, Computer und Gestaltungsideen sind.

Martin Jordan schreibt mir dazu: »Vom 28. bis 30. Oktober kamen überall auf der Welt Menschen für 48 Stunden zusammen, die unsere Erde ein biss­chen besser machen wollen. Von Mexico bis Melbourne und Belo Horizonte bis Berlin entwi­ckelten Profis und Studierende mit den verschie­densten Hintergründen an 45 Orten in 28 Ländern nach­hal­tige Produkte und Dienstleistungen.« Soviel zur Einführung in deut­scher Sprache … und nun wechsle ich, wie zu Beginn eines jeden Creative Mornings, ins Englische, denn auch der morgige Vortrag wird in englisch gehalten, aufge­zeichnet und welt­weit zum down­load bereit gestellt.

Similar to a jam session in music, people with diffe­rent skills got toge­ther to colla­bo­rate having only a limited amount of time. Following a globally shared design topic of “play­grounds” all teams had to initi­ally trans­late this into a concrete task for their own 48 hours chall­enge. Manuel Grossmann and Martin Jordan, orga­nisers of the Global Sustainability Jam in Berlin, will talk about globally connected crea­ti­vity, the advan­tages of time pres­sure and how to teach design methods to non-desi­gners on the fly. They will share their goals and fail­ures, explain how to enable unac­quainted people to colla­bo­rate instantly and how to share know­ledge when being clueless.

The Global Sustainability Jam is a non-profit acti­vity orga­nized by an inter­na­tional network of sustaina­bi­lity and service design afici­o­nados, who all share a common believe that colla­bo­rate tools and design processes can be used to cause change for the better. The Global Sustainability Jam is initiated by Markus Hormess and Adam Lawrence of Work • Play • Experience. The Berlin jam is orga­nized by a core team of service desi­gners and design thin­kers who already met in March 2011 to arrange the first Global Service Jam.

Manuel Grossmann is a desi­gner at Fjord, a digital Service Design Agency. Over the last 2 and a half years Manuel has worked in the fields of inter­ac­tion design, user expe­ri­ence and usabi­lity. His latest projects included topics like mobile services, social media and connected life. He also has a strong focus on stra­tegic projects and design rese­arch. Manuel curr­ently teaches at the Berlin Weissensee School of Art.

Martin Jordan is a brand expe­ri­ence consul­tant and stra­tegic desi­gner. He studied product, inter­ac­tion and commu­nication design as well as user-centred inno­va­tion. During the last 5 years he has worked for inter­na­tional design and bran­ding consul­tancies in London, Buenos Aires and Berlin. Recently he joint the team of Nokia Maps.

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