Letterror: Still crazy after twen‿ty years

initial1FontShop is cele­bra­ting its 20th birthday. We’re being flooded by gree­tings from all over the world. This morning, when Yves Peters posted a snapshot on FontFeed of Erik van Blokland and Just van Rossum in their early days at FontShop, his portu­guese colle­ague Tânia Raposo mailed in a picture that she took today; Frank Grieshammer (a student of Erik’s) just maield it to me. And the dudes still look pretty damn good, don’t they?


3 Kommentare

  1. Benjamin Hickethier

    Sweet, ja… Gefeliciteerd, LettError und Fontshop! Gratulerer!

  2. Jeanne

    Its like yesterday that you started…
    great desi­gners you became and 20 years of fanta­stic work
    6 dikke kussen


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