TYPO Tag 3: TYPOblues

Heute verabschiedet sich Erik Spiekermann für immer als Moderator der TYPO-Konferenz. Soweit die schlechte Nachricht. Die gute: Endlich hat er Zeit und Muße, um auf der TYPO Vorträge zu halten. So wird es 2006 sein und die Jahre danach mit Sicherheit auch. Seine herzergreifende Rückschau hat er in einem Blues verarbeitet, den er mit Freunden und Familienmitgliedern zum Abschluss der Konferenz vorträgt.

Foto: gerhardkassner.de

Ten years ago, it was 95,
We wanted a conference and we wanted it live.

Oh Lord –
the Typo Blues,
oh yes, the Typo Blues;
I got the Typo Blues,
from A to Z, from head to shoes.

Erik Spiekermann und sein Sohn Dylan – Musiker in London – an den Gitarren ... (Foto: gerhardkassner.de)

I wrote a long list and I called a lot of friends,
and everybody came, it was a big event.

We talked about serif and we talked about sans,
And then there was Rotis but it didn’t make no sense.

People from Berlin, and many more from far away,
they all came together every year in May.

Bodoni was here and many Garamonds,
along with Matthew Carter. and they showed us all their fonts.

They spoke in PostScript, they even talked Chinese,
the audience loved it, they were totally at ease.

Henrik from Denmark, he came every year,
He is always in the front row, he likes to be near.

We’ve typographic tourists, we have hard-core fans,
and when they were happy, they would clap their little hands.

Benno and Jürgen kept the conference running,
Heide and Albert had the small stage humming.

Speakers from Chicago, some from Schwäbisch Gemünd.
The Baumanns brought an actor who talked a lot of wind.

We had Rock ‘n’ Roll on stage, we had coffee in the breaks.
With 1500 people there is quite a lot at stake.

Hinting and kerning, piano-playing, too.
Fontographer and Fontlab are so very hard to do.

After ten years on stage, it is time for me to go.
I’m not getting any younger, and I still have things to do.

Auf Wiedersehen Typo, macht’s gut bis nächstes Jahr.
Selbe Stelle, selbe Welle, das ist sowieso schon klar.

Oh ja – das war der Typo Blues,
jawohl der Typo Blues.
Ich hab den Typo Blues,
von A bis Zett, von Kopf bis Fuss.

Erik Spiekermann (Mitte), Jakob Trollbäck (links), Susanna Dulkinys (rechts) und die United Designers Paul Weihe (Schlagzeug) und H.C.L. Barz (Bass)... (Foto: gerhardkassner.de)

Herausgegeben: Sa - Mai 21, 2005 at 01:55 nachm.         |
