Logos von 136 U-Bahn-Systemen

Die U-Bahn-Fans von Metro Bits haben sich die Mühe gemacht, 135 U-Bahnzeichen aus aller Welt zusammen zu tragen und nach verschiedenen Kriterien zu sortieren, zum Beispiel alphabetisch oder nach Ähnlichkeit. Gefunden bei Mediabistro.

»Most metros have logos or symbols to mark their station entrances, rolling stock and printed matter such as maps or tickets. Since most metros around the world are indeed called 'metros' (only few are called subway, underground, U-Bahn, T-bana or something else), many metro logos are more or less fancy variations of the letter M.
There are different kinds of metro logos. In some cities a logo stands for the metro system itself, while in other cities only logos are found which represent the companies that are operating one or more metro lines. So there may be more than one logo in use in one city while in another a logo can consistently stand for the system or even for several metro systems within a country. Examples for country-wide use of logos are found in Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia. All German metros use a blue U logo and all German S-Bahn-type suburban railways bear a green S logo. Most Italian cities use a red M logo for metros. All Spanish suburban railways have the same red C logo. Many Russian metro cities are using derived versions of the same sloped red letter M of the Moscow metro.«
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Herausgegeben: Sa - Juli 23, 2005 at 05:32 vorm.         |
