Dalton-Maag sucht neue Font-Lizenzbedingungen

Das schwei­ze­risch-briti­sche Schriftenhaus Dalton-Maag möchte seine Lizenzbedingungen (End User Licence Agreement, EULA) für die Fonts über­ar­beiten – gemeinsam mit den Benutzern. »In our discus­sions with font users in the design industry and at corpo­rate level we have found that EULAs are perceived to be obscure, impene­trable and overly rest­ric­tive. Furthermore, many EULAs are hope­l­essly out-of-date with tech­no­lo­gical advances and user requi­re­ments. Dalton Maag’s present EULA is no excep­tion and we would now like to address this issue by invi­ting you, the user of our products to contri­bute to a successful and progres­sive EULA.« Mehr bei Dalton-Maag …

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  1. Jui

    Einige Kommentare dazu und erste inter­es­sante Vorschläge gibts bei http://​www​.typophile​.com/​n​o​d​e​/​3​6​663

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